Boroș Leonard
Titlul tezei de doctorat: Studiul morfologic, biologic, ecologic și diagnoza nematodelor galicole fitoparazite din genul Meloidogyne
Cod dosar platforma REI: F-CA-15130/25.09.2018
- Boroș L., Fanelli E., Șesan TE., Dobrin I., Iacomi B., De Luca F. 2018. Detection and characterization of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) associated with three host plants in Romania. Romanian Biotechnological Letters 23 (6), 14097-14106.
- Balaeș T., Boroş L., Şesan TE., Tănase C. 2015. Basidiomzcete-based method for biocontrol of phytopathogenic nematodes. Journal of Plant Development 22, 83-94.
- Boroş L., Şesan TE., Chifiriuc MC., Dobrin I., Iacomi B., Costache C. 2015. The incidence and prevalence of root-knot nematode species (Meloidogyne spp.) associated with different Dicotyledons originated from two vegetable cropped areas, Vărăşti (Giurgiu), and Băleni (Dâmboviţa). Scientific Papers, Series B. Horticulture, UASVM Bucharest, LIX, 165-194.
Chirimeacă (Badea) Paula
Titlul tezei de doctorat: Studiul histopatologic, histochimic, imunohistochimic și biochimic al proceselor patologice ale prostatei la om
Cod dosar platforma REI: F-CA-15044/17.09.2018
- Badea P., Petrescu A., Moldovan L. Zarnescu O. 2015. Structural Heterogenity of Intraluminal Content of The Prostate: A Histochemical and Ultrastructural Study. Microscopy and Microanalysis 21, 2, 368-376.
- Jinga V., Csiki IE., Manolescu A., Iordache P., Mates IN., Radavoi D., Rascu S., Badescu D., Badea P., Mates D. 2016. Replication study of 34 common SNPs associated with prostate cancer in the Romanian population. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, 20 (4), 594-600.
Constantin (Călin) Mariana
Titlul tezei de doctorat: Investigarea proprietăţilor biodegradative ale microfungilor keratinofilici şi a potenţialelor aplicaţii practice
Cod dosar platforma REI: F-CA-15046/17.09.2018
Georgescu Mihaela
Titlul tezei de doctorat: Infecțiile ulcerelor de gambă: etiologie, profiluri de rezistență și virulență
Cod dosar platforma REI: F-CA-14222/19.07.2018
Macovei Ioana Sabina
Titlul tezei de doctorat: Clostridium difficile: patogenitate,virulenţă şi epidemiologie moleculară
Cod dosar platforma REI: F-CA-15149/27.09.2018
- Macovei IS., Lemeni D., Șerban R., Niculcea A., Popescu G.A., Nica M., Petrini A., Mihăescu G. 2018. Antibiotic susceptibility and resistance profiles of Romanian Clostridioides difficile isolates. Romanian Journal of Laboratory Medicine, 26 (2), 189-200.
- Macovei IS., Lemeni D., Usein CR., Șerban R., Niculcea A., Popescu GA., Nica M., Petrini A., Mihăescu G. 2017. The use of PCR ribotyping for molecular typing of clinically significant Clostridium difficile Romanian isolates. Romanian Biotechnological Letters 22 (5), 12940- 12949.
Mititelu (Dumitru) Carmen
Titlul tezei de doctorat: Variații genotipice și fenotipice în melanoamele cutanate cu regresie
Cod dosar platforma REI: F-CA-14929/03.09.2018
Popa Gina Oana
Titlul tezei de doctorat: Evaluarea statusului populațional la specii de Salmonide din România
Cod dosar platforma REI: F-CA-14300/23.07.2018
- Popa GO., Dudu A., Bănăduc D., Curtean-Bănăduc A., Barbălată T., Burcea A., Gune Florescu IE., Georgescu SE., Costache M. 2017. Use of DNA barcoding in the assignment of commercially valuable fish species from Romania. Aquatic Living Resources, vol 30.
- Popa GO., Dudu A., Popa LO., Maereanu M., Costache M., Georgescu SE. 2017. DNA-based methods for the identification of huchen (Hucho hucho, Linnaeus, 1758), Scientific Papers: Animal Science and Biotechnologies, 50, 90-94.
- Popa GO., Nechifor R., Samu M., Dudu A., Bănăduc D., Costache M., Georgescu SE. 2017. The genetic profiles of two salmonid populations from Romania obtained through nuclear markers analysis, Scientific Papers: Animal Science and Biotechnologies , 50, 74-78.
- Popa GO., Curtean-Bănăduc A., Bănăduc D., Florescu IE., Burcea A., Dudu A., Georgescu SE., Costache M. 2016. Molecular markers reveal reduced genetic diversity in romanian populations of brown trout, Salmo trutta L., 1758 (Salmonidae). Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, 68 (3), 399-406.
Rădulescu Hortensia Clara
Titlul tezei de doctorat: Contribuții privind studiul microorganismelor cu efect de biodeteriorare a obiectelor de patrimoniu din materiale textile naturale
Cod dosar platforma REI: F-CA-11934/29.01.2018
- Radulescu CH., Vinatoru M., Beddow J., Lazar V., Dinca L., Joyce E., Ghituleasa C., Mason T. 2014. Conferring antimicrobial properties to fabrics by sonochemical embedding of nanoparticles. Industria Textila 65 (5), 247-253.
- Simileanu M., Radulescu CH., Nicula G., Radvan R., Cortea IM. 2015. Characterization of contemporary bast textiles and investigation of induced ageing effects for complex Cultural Heritage restoration of textile artifacts. Industria Textila 66 (6), 353-359.
Stănică Luciana
Titlul tezei de doctorat: Platforme bioanalitice pentru evaluarea dinamicii sistemelor celulare model
Cod dosar platforma REI: F-CA-14941/04.09.2018
- Stănică L., Gheorghiu M., Stan M., Polonschii C., David S., Bratu D., Dinischiotu A., Supuran C.T., Gheorghiu E. 2017. Quantitative assessment of specific carbonic anhydrase inhibitors effect on hypoxic cells using electrical impedance assays. Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry, 32 (1), 1079-1090. FI: 4,293.
- Stanica L., Rosu-Hamzescu M., Gheorghiu M., Stan M., Antonescu L., Polonschii C., Gheorghiu E. 2017. Electric Cell-Substrate Impedance Sensing of Cellular Effects under Hypoxic Conditions and Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibition. Journal of Sensors, ID 9290478.
- Bondarenko A., Cortes-Salazar F., Gheorghiu M., Gaspar S., Momotenko D., Stanica L., Lesch A., Gheorghiu E., Girault HH. 2015. Electrochemical push-pull probe: from scanning electrochemical microscopy to multimodal altering of cell microenvironment. Analytical chemistry, 87 (8), p.4479–4486.
- Cucu D., Chiritoiu G., Petrescu S., Babes A., Stănică L., Duda DG., Horii A., Dima S., Popescu I. 2014. Characterization of functional transient receptor potential melastatin 8 channels in human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cells. Pancreas 43 (5), 795-800.